Karinto Koneko

Sugar Cookie Kitten’s Imagery-Poem Diary (花林糖子猫の絵詩日記)

An art studio is a sanctuary for an artist

I've moved my art studio to our sunroom since it is much warmer there. 
It is a very private, cozy room where the time stops and my mind goes to somewhere else.
The light and the warmth from sun penetrate not only my body but also my soul making me feel I am in a sanctuary. 
Indeed, art studio is a sanctuary for artists.

Since it is a sanctuary,  I hope to keep this room nice and tidy, at least most of the time........


Yet, I feel these days, such thing may not be so important. 

I see other fellow artists' studios are rather messy yet very productive.

I tend to fuss about tidyness and cleaness which trait seems uncommon for majority of working artists.

I wonder why I can't be like them.

Maybe I can learn to be free so that I too can enjoy the creative mess.


Let the control go. 

Let all the meaningless preconcieved expectations go.

Let myself loosen up!!!!!


That is my goal. 

Loosen up and letting go!

At least not entirely, but much more than I have been in the past.